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浅谈bob体育官方app下载 是什么?

发布日期:2018-01-12 作者:甘肃彩色的沥青砂 点击:

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What is the color bitumen?

又叫彩色胶结料,是筑路材料的一种,目前有两种: 1、以无色胶结料加色粉,无色胶结料可以是由沥青脱色而得,也可以由石油树脂等浅色聚合物调配而得; 2、通过沥青直接改性而得,这种胶结料具备沥青的抗老化能力强的特点,颜色为棕红色。 红色bob体育官方app下载 采用无色胶结料和铁红色色粉及相应比例的石子和矿粉拌合而成,胶结料掺量为5.5%、色粉添加量为3%。 如施工面积按350㎡计算,则胶结料及色粉使用量为: 1、混合料:(350㎡*0.03m)2.4t/m3 =25.2t 2、胶结料:25.2t*5.5%=1.386t 3、色粉 : 25.2*3%=0.756t 我司胶结料为200kg一个大桶包装,色粉为25kg一袋包装;则实际使用量为7桶胶结料、30袋色粉 bob体育官方app下载 路面主要是指添加颜料的沥青混凝土路面, 使用彩色石料的沥青路面, 使用 石油树脂 (bob体育官方app下载:脱色沥青) 添加颜料的沥青路面以及在使用改性沥青的透水性路面表面喷涂彩色 树脂涂料等. 贵州bob体育官方app下载 认为它在促进道路交通安全和美化街路空间环境领域发挥着重要作用. 在城市交通 与环境协调发展的 21 世纪,作为一种城市道路面层景观铺装材料具有很好的发展前景. 关键词 bob体育官方app下载 路面 作用 前景 随着可持续发展和人本主义理论在城市建设中的应用, 景观艺术已经成为城市建

Also called the color binder, is a kind of paving material, there are two kinds: 1, colorless binder with toner, colorless binder is composed of asphalt and also by decolorization, petroleum resin, polymer blending light; and 2, directly through the asphalt modification, the cementing material anti aging ability with asphalt, the color is red brown. The red color asphalt is made of colorless cementing material and iron red coloured powder and the corresponding proportions of stone and mineral powder. The amount of cementing material is 5.5% and the addition of toner is 3%. As the construction area of 350 square meters, according to the calculation, cementing material and toner usage: 1, mixture: (350 m *0.03m) 2.4t/m3 =25.2t 2, 25.2t*5.5%=1.386t 3, toner binder: 25.2*3%=0.756t our binder is 200kg a barrel for a toner packaging, 25kg bag packaging; the actual usage was 7 barrels of cement, 30 bags of toner color asphalt pavement mainly refers to the asphalt concrete pavement of asphalt pavement add pigment, color stone, using petroleum resin (decoloring asphalt) asphalt pavement adding pigment and modified asphalt in the pervious pavement surface spraying color resin coating. It plays an important role in promoting the road traffic safety and beautify the street space environment. In the coordinated development of city traffic and the environment in twenty-first Century, as a city road landscape paving material with a surface layer Good prospects for development. Key words: the prospect of color asphalt pavement will become urban construction with the sustainable development and the application of humanism in urban construction.设与发 展的注重基本要素, 传统的的大地市街路设汁与广场铺设技术利用以经无法考虑新现代大地市构建的条件. 多数专 家对如今请况入宪了尖锐的的反省,责怪如今大地市的"地面磁砖"绝大多数贫乏"人性本恶"和"性格" . 用户对人行道构建出现了深切的教育反思: 人行道要不可是漂亮又好看?没法厚非, 让用户而你话动在冷暖色调千篇 七个不准, 外壁视觉系统质感别无二致的棕色混泥土人行道和白色色混泥土改良混泥土c30混疑土土人行道上, 单调函数枯燥乏味甚至会死气沉沉压 抑的的心理享受和视觉系统享受决无法给用户带来了1个优良的景观规划设计坏境, 用户也绝没法能刷出1个 优重量的生存空間. 故此, 用户已经用那个常见众多的广场铺设素材和多种多种多样的进行施工加工制作施工工艺 最让人行道 美一起,多彩混泥土人行道就算之中的一种生活. 1 多彩混泥土人行道的那个常见 一般 说的多彩混泥土人行道常见包含下载色粉粉的混泥土改良混泥土c30混疑土土人行道,的施用多彩石材的混泥土路 面和的施用页岩油树酯 (脱色混泥土) 下载色粉粉的混泥土人行道等. 历余载来, 根据改良混泥土的宽泛利用, 在的施用改良混泥土的透水性性人行道外壁涂装多彩树酯涂料上的加工制作施工工艺 趋势非常快, 组成打了个种生活新的多彩 人行道架构. 1.1 混泥土紧密联系料染色 将三聚氰胺树脂塑料碱土金属色粉粉带替同时体积计算的矿粉填上混泥土或混泥土混后料中, 会获取大量多种 染色混泥土人行道素材.这类将占集料总重 5%~7%的空气氧化物铁(称做红土子)下载混泥土混后料中 会获取紫色的混泥土人行道素材;下载 5%~10%的空气氧化物铬会获取墨深绿色混泥土人行道素材.采 用如此一来An important factor in design and development of the city, street pavement design and the traditional technology has been unable to meet the requirements of modern city construction. Many experts have proposed a sharp criticism of the current situation, the current city accused of "ground" lack of "human nature" and "personality". People have a profound reflection on the road pavement construction you are beautiful? Obviously, people are always active in the color uniformity, black asphalt pavement surface texture identical and gray white cement concrete pavement, boring and oppressive feeling and visual perception cannot give people a good landscape environment, it is also impossible to obtain a high quality living space. So, people began to use the construction technology of many kinds of pavement materials and a variety of beautiful color make the road, the asphalt pavement is the One of the 1 types of color. The color of asphalt pavement asphalt pavement usually said mainly refers to the asphalt concrete pavement with asphalt pavement color pigments, stone and using petroleum resin (decoloring asphalt) add pigment asphalt pavement. In recent years, with the wide application of the modified asphalt, the use of modified asphalt permeable pavement surface spraying technology development of color resin coating quickly, forming a new color asphalt pavement structure. The 1.1 colored ore metal salts of inorganic pigments instead of the same size with asphalt or asphalt mixture, can get a few colored asphalt pavement materials such as iron oxide sets will account for. Material weight 5% ~ 7% (commonly known as red son) added in the asphalt mixture of asphalt pavement materials can get red; adding 5% ~ 10% chromium oxide can be green Color asphalt pavement material.

的上色形式赢得的改性混泥土铺设施工面上层原料颜色低, 明度暗, 常见必须采用缘石或栽植的映照加 以烘托渲染这样才能赢得最合适的绚丽效用. 当改性混泥土铺设施工融合料中砂料石摄入量多, 公共交通磨耗财产损失很大时不适宜采 用. 1.2 采用五彩集料上色 在传统化的热碾式铺设施工施工工艺中,铺筑好改性混泥土铺设施工砂胶层后续,以五彩砂料石依照每万平方米 5kg 以上的的摄入量配用的区域一似的砂料石, 在改性混泥土铺设施工砂胶层仍恢复足以高温时煽动辗压, 使砂料石的区域放到 改性混泥土铺设施工砂胶层内,如要以建成五彩铺设施工.五彩砂料石的摄入量决策了此类铺设施工的彩度,近两年里外国 多种用途五彩的人造烧造陶粒来配用自然而然砂料石,使其绚丽更好突显. 1.3 五彩改性混泥土铺设施工联系料 五彩改性混泥土铺设施工联系料有的是种与道路上能源改性混泥土铺设施工路用机械性能格外临近的人造自动合成图片环氧树酯, 常见为乳深灰色 或乳呈黄色. 要想生产制造以便于交货商可按符合需求批发商掺配好色粉的五彩胶结料, 将其与土石原料按 照级配符合需求混拌, 如要赢得绚丽绽放的五彩改性混泥土铺设施工铺设施工. 升温质财产损失和长期的采用后能不能脆化 枯旧是确定五彩改性混泥土铺设施工联系料采用品行的注意指标图. 1.4 晶块改性混泥土铺设施工联系料 将近于半透的人造自动合成图片环氧树酯称是晶块改性混泥土铺设施工联系料. 晶块改性混泥土铺设施工可由设汁者依照设汁符合需求自 行放入色粉以及颜料使其上色, 更好的事由是将其不错与自然而然砂砾拌合, 赢得有这样土石 路似的自然而然颜色,一起又有改性混泥土铺设施工铺设施工采用能力的美景铺设原料. 1.5 面上涂覆上色原料 面上涂覆上色原料不错有静电喷涂着The asphalt surface material obtained tone coloring method of low brightness, dark, usually need to use against the stone or planting to foil to get better color effect. When the stone asphalt mixture is more than the amount of traffic, large abrasion loss should not be used. 1.2 color aggregate coloring in the traditional hot rolling process of pavement then, paved asphalt sand layer, the color stone per square metre in accordance with the above 5kg dosage instead of part of ordinary stone, still maintain sufficient temperature in asphalt sand layer spread when rolling, the stone is partially embedded in the adhesive layer of asphalt sand, which can form a color. The color of stone pavement amount determines the pavement chroma. In recent years, many foreign color artificial baking ceramsite instead of natural stone, the color is more bright. 1.3 color color asphalt asphalt binder is a kind of road Synthetic resin road asphalt performance very close, more milky gray or yellow milk. In order to facilitate production suppliers according to color cement material blending pigments for the supply of good, with the aggregate materials in accordance with the requirements of mixing color gradation, asphalt pavement can be obtained. The colors of the mass loss of heating and long-term use whether the aging yellow is to determine the color of asphalt binder. The 1.4 main indicators of the use quality of asphalt binder colorless synthetic resin called almost transparent colorless asphalt. Bitumen can be colorless by the designer in accordance with the design requirements by adding pigments or dyes which coloring, the more the case is the direct mixing with natural gravel get, with similar gravel like natural colors, and landscape paving materials of asphalt pavement surface coating coloring function. 1.5 The coating material on the surface of the material can be divided into spraying




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