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bob体育官方app下载 混凝土路面注意事项是什么?

bob体育官方app下载 混凝土路面注意事项是什么?

发布日期:2018-01-11 作者:有颜色沥青砂路面安装安装 点击:

bob体育官方app下载 混凝土路面注意事项是什么?

What are the notices of color asphalt concrete pavement?


bob体育官方app下载 路面施工认为bob体育官方app下载 混凝土路面是一种新兴的道路路面,因其性能和外观上的优势受到越来越多重视和关注,并在我国很多城市得到应用,在这方面的探讨我国开始于80年代初,但收效甚微,且在城市道路上应用尚少,近几年,随着我国经济社会发展,bob体育官方app下载 混凝土路面作为一种新型道路路面,为营造交通的时代气息,在我国也得到了越来越多的应用,引起了人们的兴趣和关注,被全球工程界视为“新型绿色建材” 目前我公司bob体育官方app下载 混凝土路面已成功在本市湖滨大道路面进行了试验铺筑,效果颇佳,深受世人好评。现就对bob体育官方app下载 混凝土路面原材料选择、配合比设计、施工技术及注意事项进行总结和阐述,为以后bob体育官方app下载 混凝土路面施工积累经验。

The color of asphalt concrete pavement is a new pavement, has attracted more and more attention because of its performance and appearance advantages, and is widely used in many city of our country, discusses our country at the beginning of 80s in this area, but have little effect, and the application in the city road is rare in recent years and with China's economic and social development, the color of asphalt concrete pavement is a new type of road traffic, in order to create a spirit of the times, in China has been more and more widely, has aroused people's interest and attention, be regarded as "new green building" at present, the color of asphalt concrete pavement has been successful in the Hubin Road Pavement Test paving, global engineering effect is very good, by the people of the world. This paper summarizes and expounds the selection of raw materials, proportioning design, construction technology and matters needing attention for color asphalt concrete pavement, so as to accumulate experience for future color asphalt pavement construction.1、原料料 (1)配合料:多彩乳化沥表路配合料应实现了AH-70乳化沥表路基本上依据,是由于亮色配合料中不包含乳化沥表路质,与乳化沥表路也编号的亮色配合料现场粘度仍要要低半点,所以咧在选取亮色配合料需要延长配合料的同一个登级。 (2)集料:设备集料应表面能擦洗、粗燥而最富磨平,质量坚韧、顆粒是立米体连轧体外碎石子,其感觉好一点与设备分层料比较敏感,无法用到棕色或深黑灰色体外碎石子料;橘色乳化沥表路道路要选取石灰石岩、花岗石、安山岩,工艺让应实现了现今标淮化的光于暂行规定。 (3)涂料:铺筑橘色乳化沥表路道路不时用到腐蚀铁红涂料,国家的标淮《腐蚀铁红涂料工艺标淮》以下的: 使用在多彩乳化沥表路道路的铁红涂料,其最主要的工艺依据为色相饱和度饱和度和堆密度,第二为显色力和遮挡力、发散性和稳相关性高性。分析来说:色相饱和度饱和度(是指涂料行为 色和乳化沥表路分层料则呈现出色)与涂料离子规格和样子光于。1, raw materials (1) binder: color asphalt binder should meet the basic index of asphalt binder AH-70, because the light is not included in the asphalt and asphalt binder of the same label light actual viscosity still to a low point, so in the choice of light colored binder should be increased with a level of material. (2): the allocation of aggregate aggregate should be clean surface, rough and full of sharp, hard texture, particle approximate cube rolling stone, the best color and configuration mixture close, can not use black or dark grey aggregates; red asphalt pavement can choose limestone, granite, andesite, should meet the technical requirements of the relevant provisions of the current specification the. (3) red pigment: paving asphalt pavement often use Confidante iron oxide material, following the national standard "technical standard": iron oxide Confidante material for pigment color of asphalt pavement, the main technical indexes for hue and size, followed by coloring and hiding power, dispersion and stability. It is believed that the color phase (including the color of the pigment and the color of the asphalt mixture) is related to the size and shape of the pigment particles.

2、多彩改性沥表混疑土路面匹配比装修设置的 (1)多彩改性沥表相混料匹配比装修设置的可用于马歇尔的方式,表明量参数表选定佳油石比,和普普通通改性沥表混疑土匹配比装修设置的的关键雷同,其的关键重在选定涂料粉涂料储电量,涂料粉涂料储电量可表明应力测试选定,以所试拌的相混料人眼探究享有充分的光鲜度和鲜艳夺目的颜色搭配为度。 (2)涂料粉涂料储电量一样 取1.5%-3%,不要频繁,颜色搭配很深,非但使相混料外面过暗而危害颜色搭配,有时还延长投入。 (3)改性沥表储电量为5%-6.5%Mix design of asphalt concrete pavement, 2 color (1) color asphalt mixture design by Marshall method, according to the volume parameter to determine the optimum asphalt aggregate ratio, and the ordinary asphalt concrete mix design is basically the same, the key is to determine the amount of the pigment, the pigment content can be determined according to the test, the observation has enough brightness and bright the color of the mixture by mixing the naked eye. (2) the amount of pigment is generally 1.5%-3%. It is not too much and the color is too deep. It not only makes the mixture surface too dark but also affects the color, but also increases the cost. (3) the amount of asphalt is 5%-6.5%

3、贵州省五颜六色沥清谈谈五颜六色沥清水泥混凝土的土地面安装技术性及注重力项目 (1)擦拭拌缸:放到五颜六色沥清交织料发了环境容易发生的的污染。 (2)设置成浅颜色图片根据在一起料气流推送地埋管:放到原沥清气流推送地埋管中无残存沥清的环境容易发生的的污染。 (3)色浆手动入驻:按色浆比例图前提称好放到塑料制品袋中,当集料打开拌缸即时入驻色浆。 (4)的设定高温:五颜六色沥清交织料对高温更加皮肤敏感,过高的高温轻易容易发生没颜色图片、沥清老化测试,过低的高温容易发生回填土难处,故应严格要求的的设定五颜六色沥清各关键时期的安装高温,确保安全加工安装质。热处理高温不一样沥清根据在一起料的黏温形态做实验设计确保,通常情况下根据在一起料热处理高温150℃-160℃,骨料热处理高温为160℃-170℃,喷料高温为145℃-155℃,在加工历程中严格要求的的设定热处理高温,并无法随便该变混和时长,尽量容易发生不一样生产批号成产的五颜六色沥清交织料颜色图片的很深异同。 (5)的设定混和时长:每盘混和时长较通常情况下沥清交织料延长至10-15s,以绝对色浆不集中不同。实际上拌合时长为:干拌时长不不低于10s,喷入根据在一起料,入驻矿粉后混和不不超45S,即总拌合时长不不低于55S,经混和的五颜六色沥清交织料须要科粒剂不同、质地不同,集料所以科粒剂都将被根据在一起料所涵盖,不恰代有白黑点、离析、结团或结团、粗度度分离法并且 色彩明度很深异同等的问题。 (6)铺摊碾过:在铺摊前将铺摊机熨iPad,雷韵器、收料仓等用液體洗擦,合用热白料干搅,以彻底解决去除无残存的藏青色沥清。铁揪、压轮在用到前用入菜油与水手机配置的液體浸湿,以缩短对五颜六色沥清交织料的黏附,在铺摊历程中如得知造成环境容易发生的的污染、离析、色彩明度很深异同的交织料贵局彻底清除,铺摊高温的设定在140℃不低于,铺摊比率为1.15-1.25,由五颜六色沥清交织料热管散热非常快的,所以铺摊后应即时碾过,碾过前将平地机光轮洗擦干净彻底,初压高温的设定在130℃不低于,影响一下以不变路缘边线,如得知不整洁、粗度度离析造成即时补洞,复压仍选用影响方式方法,碾过3-4遍,终压以去掉轮迹线为度,终压高温的设定在80℃不低于,针对于紧邻路边石处的五颜六色沥清地面选用手推式振荡碾参与碾过,在碾过历程中的设定好时间,防止出现危急制动踏板,注重力平地机洒水范围3, Guizhou color asphalt, color asphalt concrete pavement construction technology and matters needing attention (1) cleaning and mixing cylinder: prevent color asphalt mixture from pollution. (2) setting light colored binder pipeline: prevent the pollution of residual bitumen in the primary bitumen pipeline. (3): according to the proportion of artificial pigment into the pigment in advance than in a plastic bag, when the aggregate into the mixing cylinder immediately put into pigment. (4) control temperature: color asphalt mixture is more sensitive to temperature. Too high temperature easily causes colourless and asphalt aging. Too low temperature causes compaction difficulty. Therefore, we should strictly control the construction temperature of every stage of color asphalt and ensure the quality of construction. The heating temperature according to the asphalt test material to determine the viscosity temperature characteristics, combined with the general material heating temperature of 150 DEG -160 DEG stone, the heating temperature is 160 DEG -170 DEG, the discharging temperature is 145 DEG -155 DEG, strictly control the heating temperature in the production process, do not arbitrarily change the mixing time, so as not to cause significant differences in color the color asphalt mixture produced in different batches. (5) control mixing time: the mixing time of each dish is longer than that of the general asphalt mixture to extend 10-15s to ensure the dispersion and uniformity of the pigment. Concrete mixing time: dry mixing time is not less than 10s, injected into the binder, adding powder after mixing of not less than 45S, which is the total mixing time is not less than 55S, the color asphalt mixture must be uniform particles, color consistency, aggregate particles will be combined with the material covered with white spots, no segregation, agglomeration or cluster, the thickness of separation and obvious color difference phenomenon. (6) paving and rolling: before the paving, the paver, the screed, the screw and the hopper are scrubbed with solvents, and dried with hot white material to thoroughly clean up the remaining black asphalt. Before use, the scraper shovel with edible oil and water soaking liquid, to reduce the adhesion of the color asphalt mixture, such as found in the process of paving mixture segregation, serious pollution, obvious color difference will be eliminated, paving temperature controlled at 140 DEG C, spreading coefficient is 1.15-1.25, because of the color asphalt mixture cooling rapidly, thus paving immediately after rolling, rolling the roller wheel clean, initial pressure temperature controlled at 130 DEG C, static pressure again to the edge of the road such as fixed line, uneven thickness, found serious segregation immediately repair, re pressing is still using the static method, rolling 3-4 times, final pressure to remove the wheel line for the degree of final pressure temperature controlled at 80 DEG C, the color of asphalt pavement close to the curb at the hand push type vibration roller for rolling speed control in rolling process, Avoid emergency braking and pay attention to the water sprinkler of the roller


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